Treatment Programs

We offer a range of treatment programs and services on an inpatient, day patient and community basis depending on the patient’s needs. All of our programs and services are designed to demonstrate respect, understanding and focus on the individual’s recovery.

Our Tailored Therapy Treatment Program comprises a personalised combination of several group therapy sessions on a wide range of topics to meet individual clients needs and offers flexibility in treatment.

TPH offers ECT, a form of brain stimulation, to treat severe clinical depression, and sometimes other conditions such as mania and schizophrenia. ECT is commonly used to treat people who are at high risk because of their mental illness, find their mental illness disabling or distressing and have not responded to other treatments, or have found ECT to be an effective treatment in the past.

TPH offers rTMS which involves applying focussed magnetic energy to superficial areas of the brain to help with severe depression. rTMS is commonly used to treat people who either show not enough improvements with medication or cannot take it.

Day Patient Programs

We offer a range of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) day treatment programs that focus on managing unhelpful thoughts (cognitions) and behaviours to improve mental health and wellbeing.

TPH’s CBT Program for Anxiety Disorders teaches clients techniques to reduce the effects of high anxiety. It is a structured psychological treatment focused on changing unhelpful thoughts (cognitions) and behaviours to improve clients’ health and wellbeing.

Our CBT Program for Mood Disorders is designed to help clients manage their moods and improve quality of life. As part of the program, we teach new cognitive and behavioural skills to help clients manage symptoms and achieve greater emotional stability.

TPH’s Employment Related Trauma Recovery Program is a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment designed to help clients recover from exposure to trauma, improve their moods and emotional stability and reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

Day Patient Military Treatments

TPH offers specialists day treatment programs for current and ex-serving military personnel. These programs feature individual sessions and peer group therapy to enable participants to share similar experiences and recover in a supportive environment.

Our Military Service Alcohol Day Treatment Program is designed to help military and ex-military personnel manage issues with alcohol use. The program uses a CBT treatment approach and focuses educating clients about alcohol use disorders and minimising their impact.


TPH offers ECT, a form of brain stimulation, to treat severe clinical depression, and sometimes other conditions such as mania and schizophrenia. ECT is commonly used to treat people who are at high risk because of their mental illness, find their mental illness disabling or distressing and have not responded to other treatments, or have found ECT to be an effective treatment in the past.

TPH offers rTMS which involves applying focussed magnetic energy to superficial areas of the brain to help with severe depression. rTMS is commonly used to treat people who either show not enough improvements with medication or cannot take it.